Monday, March 28, 2016

A Reflection On My Goals

A Reflection On My Goals

     One of the goals I set for myself this year haven't completely been achieved. I have shown increase in my typing abilities. I finally mastered the use of punctuation keys. I can officially say I know them by heart. However I haven't much increased my accuracy. I don't have a bad accuracy but I kn ow I can do better. Lately I just haven't found the time to do more lessons and type more. I'm more content that I achieved how to use the keys correctly then anything though. That is because I know that if I know how to use these keys better, I know that I can now increase my accuracy. I still want to keep working on my accuracy because I am positive that I am capable of achieving this goal.

     The strategies that I described on my earlier blog post helped me out a lot. I put much hard work and dedication into that to where I was working my butt off every afternoon as soon as I got home from school. I organized a schedule for me so I could also get my studies done and to still also have time to attend my other night classes. It was difficult at times but I managed my way around. This schedule that I put up for helped me out because it organized me better and I am glad I thought about this idea.