Friday, February 5, 2016

Google Searches In 2015

Google Searches In 2015

     Throughout 2015 us humans did a lot of searching. Some of the most popular ones where the ones of Bruce Jenner becoming Catliyn Jenner, the black and blue or while & gold dress, black lives matter, & so on so forth. There were also some of the biggest events in history. Like as the Paris attack, Nepal, the Cuban Embargo, & when the United States Legalized all gay matrimony ceremonies.

     I found that all the ones who contributed into making all these things a trend left a treasure map. A trent is something that has the center of attention for a lot of people and that we are getting very into the search of that particular thing, object, video, post, etc.

     We all left behind the trend of caring for the world & also into the celebrity life. We searched several times how to help out Nepal after what had happened with the surprising earthquake in April of 2015. We were also very in touch in seeing how to stop prejudice after the hashtag "All Black Lives Matter" started trending and getting very popular online.

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