Thursday, February 4, 2016

Media Codes

Media Codes

1. What is your favourite brand? Why?
     I don't have a specific brand I like but I don't have many either. Some of the brands I like to use are Billabong, Supra & Adidas. I like the brand Billabong because I surf and one day I hope to get sponsored by them. Another reason why I like Billabong is because my family has used their merchandise for as long I can remember. It has been a brand we all have gotten something from.
     Supra is my favourite shoe brand. Yes I have Converse, Nike, Adidas, & other shoe brands but Supra is my favourite of all time. I like this brand because I find the shoes very lasting & comfortable. My favourite pair of Supras (which I am wearing as I type) have lasted me 3 years and they still feel like you are walking up in the clouds. For my opinion they have the best shoes & the best quality too.
    Adidas is my favourite sports brand. I have to thank my dad for that. He has a thing for that brand and he has now passsed it down to me.

2. What types of codes are used by this brand to make it appealing to people? (Brand logos located below)
     The logo for Billabong uses technical codes. The logo has beach waves on it reflecting to the type of clothing and items they have. Beach waves are an object and technical codes use colours, objects, & animals. Therefore this is a technical code.
     The logo for Supra is a crown. It is thrown out there to represent royalty of all brands. It is supreme to the other brand. Which is a technical code. The crown is an object that makes you believe that it is better than all the rest of the other brands.
     The logo for Adidas is a technical code. It uses colours to represent the quality & the creativity using black and white designs. There are other logos but the most dominant logo of all is the one I have below.

3. Do you think this brand's advertising influences whether you like it? Why or why not?
     I believe it does because I absolutely love the beach. I spend all the time I can at the beach. The fact that Billabong is a brand linked to the beach influences a lot the fact that I like this brand. As well with the logo. The logo reflects the beach waves which gets my attention whenever I see it.
     I don't believe the logo has anything to do with me liking the brand Supra. When I got my first pair of Supras three years ago, they were skytops my auntt had gotten me. I looked at the shoes ads just as any pair of shoes I had. I didn't even realize about the crown at the bottom of my shoe where the grip is at. It once when I started using the shoe that I startd liking the brand. I liked how my feet felt comfortable in the shoe so I tried out other shoes and they convinced me that these were the best brand of shoes I have ever had.
     I think the advertisements of Adidas do influence me in whether I like them or not. The ads quickly capture my attention and the different designs they have for all things scream out my name. Therefor, besides the influence I get from my father, the codes and ads capture my attention quickly.

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