Thursday, April 7, 2016

A Letter for the Future

Dear Future Self,

       I hope that at this moment as you read, you are achieving all your goals in college to be and I hope that you know how to use that brain of yours. You are like a Russian Doll. Your true self hidden under several different layers. You have a wild imagination. You just have to open your wings and soar across the sky. You tend to hide because you feel small and fragile. You have what it takes to succeed just don't let others intimidate you. Think of the long way you have gone to get there. Don't give up ever.

     You have dreams of success in different ways. I hope u keep up with your hobbies. I hope that these dancing classes, surfing classes, & music classes, help you out. I hope that you use these to succeed. You're not like the rest. You know what my dear future self, all these problems you have with people calling you names that they don't really mean, it is all happening now so you can be stronger later. You are just getting tested to see if you will violently fight back, if you will ignore them & see karma hit them back. Or if you are going to go ask for help to an elder. And the way I you present self am handling them is very curious.

     You know there's this one issue right now. That issue is family. You family currently is turning their backs on you. You want to open up about someone who've you've been your true self to for almost 3 school years. It sucks that now you can't. You see it differently than them. I mean dad is having the wrong idea about your feelings but it funny. Yet mom..... Mom changed. She is not that happy person anymore. She, for the past 2 years misses father and we both know that. We see it and we sense it. That is why she sees this as danger, when you know that it isn't. All this music I've been writing and keeping hidden, they aren't love songs from my eyes. They are my moms tears she shed for nights. I hope you find a good use for them future self.

     All these documents I have on my computers now, tell me you will reveal them. Tell me that what I am doing now is bad but all these secrets will be revealed. I don't want to hurt my family. I don't want them to think I am hurting them. Friends come and go but family is forever. And I want them to understand that. Dear future self tell me you're going to talk to my parents. Please take this pain away. Take it all and send me the joy you have. Take this weight off my shoulders and let me be free.

     I only have one thing I really want you to do though; get me my sweet life back.

With Big Hope & Love Always,
Jackeline Sagastume-Salguero
(Your mini me)


  1. Jackeline, did you attend Edison Elementary in Ontario? Were you in kindergarten there? My son was your best friend. We have been wondering about you. Of this is you, how can we contact you privately?

    1. Yes it is me! Awe you can contact me to my personal email
