Monday, April 4, 2016

Which Personalities Do I have?

Taking A Personality Test

     Today I took my first personality test. I didn't expect to get what I got. I knew I had all this in me I just probably didn't want to admit it. In this test I got as a result of my strengths and weaknesses a few things that I didn't really know about it. For my strengths I got that I am a curious, observant, energetic, enthusiastic, an excellent communicator, good at relaxing, very popular & friendly. I agree with all of them except the fact that it says I am an excellent communicator & I know how to relax. I don't really think I am good at communicating. I start to stutter or I turn pale. Other times I like to feel superior and it boosts up my confidence in talking. Also when I relax, it is either in the shower or sleeping. Other ways I can't.

     For my weaknesses it says that I have a hard time focusing. Which is mostly not true. I only have a hard time focusing when I am doing something I don't like or that it just isn't something I am into. And that is mostly it for the parts I disagree with. My other weaknesses are that I get stressed easily, I'm independent to a fault, highly emotional, an over thinker, & that I have poor practical skills.

     For friendships I am not gonna complain about nothing being not true. I like adventures due to the huge amount of curiosity I have in me. Although I am very reserved. Being reserved I am not much of a talker with new people but later I get into making conversation. It just takes time. If I do talk to someone instantly it usually is not a great idea because then things go wrong. The reason why I carry this reserved characteristic is because I analyze the person first. Which is why I was saying it isn't good when I make conversations instantly with someone just when I met them. Once I get a friendship, not all of them are going to want to go outside and have an adventure. Others will talk about themselves and that's when the quiet reserved me pops out again.

      For career paths, I have an advantage of having good people skills. Which I don't disagree about. Why? Well, when I know I have to do something to be a better person socially and economically then my family, I raise my self esteem up. I act all innocent with some people then with others I talk more than a parrot. That is because I use humans as my advantage just that I don't let them know. Socializing with people makes me feel great about myself & I see that social me as a different person. This different person like to talk and be known. That is why it carries on these great people skills. Which comes along to breaking the status quo. Why not be both popular & a nerd? Both things come in handy anyways.

     In conclusion, I am glad I was very into this test or else I would probably have disagreed with many of the things in my results. Sometimes it is good to challenge yourself to see if you really know who you are or if you are just hiding your true colours. One has to embrace who they are even if it is a bad characteristic you have to embrace. If you want you can habitually change it over time into something good or change th euse of it from bad to good.

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