Thursday, January 21, 2016

My Searches

My Searches

What are the top 3-5 websites you use for educational purposes?
        As a student in Rise Middle School, we are required to do several things that have to do with different websites. I frequently use because I constantly try to keep my digital portfolio updated with the most recent things we do in our class therefore when they ask for it, I am already prepared. The second one would be because science is one of my weakest ability, Brain Pop helps me understand better. Finally the third one would be

What are top-level domain do they use? Why?
     All these three websites use the domain .com. I believe that it is because they are used for commerce.
What are the top 3-5 websites you use for personal entertainment?
     For personal entertainment I use,, or I use Quotev to read & write, Netflix to watch tv or movies & Kiss Anime Smash to watch Anime.

What top-level domain do they use? Why?
      They all use .com and I believe it is because they are commercial businesses.

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