Friday, January 22, 2016

National Holidays

Some national holidays that we have here in the U.S. are Martin Luther King Jr, Washington's Birthday, & the Fourth of July. These are days we have to remember and celebrate, great leaders, and the independence of the Unites States of America.

Why do you think we have national holidays?
     I think we have national holidays to make memorial of certain days. For example, MLK Jr. Day is to remember how much he did for people, black & white to be together united as one for we are all created equal. Washington's Birthday is to remember how much he did to help the thirteen colonies become independent & his times as president. The Fourth of July is to remember the independence of America from Great Britain.

Are there benefits to having national holidays?
     Yes they are benefits because sometimes people can't have days off from work so they only get them off on national holidays. Also it is good become some people actually do like to remember what this country has gone through.

Are their downsides?
     Yes there are downsides because people on these holidays like to do crazy things and then accidents happen and there's loss of people. Some people don't even value the day and take it as one more day where the shopping stores have percentage discounts on their things. 

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