Thursday, January 7, 2016

Setting Goals

Setting Goals in 2016!

        This year I have started setting up goals for myself in my daily life and in my academic life. I have several goals set for a certain class, Digital Literacy. One of my academic goals for this class is to improve my use of the punctuation keys on the keyboard. I have a slightly difficult time using those keys and if I want to achieve also my personal goal for this class, I have to practice using that part of the keyboard. The technique that has helped me lately with improving my use of punctuation keys is redoing the lessons on punctuation in a cool punctuation website I found for people who need practice in typing. I want to keep doing more lessons in hopes of me to get better. I can see the progress I have made and that is what has made me decide to keep using this website.

        My personal goal for this class is to increase my accuracy and how fast I type. To increase my accuracy I want to try different typing websites besides However first I want to finish the lessons I am doing on that website. In order to increase my typing skills, I want to get to know the laptop's keyboard. I want to really have a good idea of how it looks that way only my fingers can sense the keys according to how I remember them. So far I am getting better at that. But I have issues with the bottom row and the numbers at times. To get to know the keyboard better, I want to practice typing in general. Like typing up passages and so. For me, that is really good help to get to know the keyboard better. I have other goals for this class but these are the top priority of my goals and the ones I really want to achieve. The other ones are small goals but I'll achieve them through out the year. Slowly, one by one, but I will.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Jackie! There are so many awesome things to mention in this first post.

    1. Your written communication skills are TREMENDOUS. I'm so impressed! Your organization of thoughts, and the personality and passion conveyed in your choice of words and sentence structure, are both clearly skills you have honed well during your time at RKMS. Bravo!!!

    2. You are clearly a very self-aware and reflective person. Not only do you have specific goals for your typing improvement, but you show that you've already been measuring your progress since the beginning of the school year. That is a skill that many students find very difficult to practice and develop. You should be very proud!

    3. You show enormous self-initiative by going BEYOND the resources that I've provided in Digital Literacy to extend your typing development on other websites. Would you mind sharing the other websites with me? Perhaps they will be useful to other students too.

    I can't say enough about what a wonderful first post this is :)
